Rath Yatra 2024
Rath Yatra 2024 - Program Details:
Date and Time: Sunday, 9:00 AM to 4 PM, 20 July, 2024
Location: Regina Hindu Temple, 3307 Pasqua Street
Rath Yatra will depart at 11:30 AM.
Other useful information and instructions:
Participating in Yatra: Yatra will start at 11:30 AM. Please arrive early so you have time to park and walk to the temple. The Yatra walking distance is almost 4 Km, please join as per your own convenience and physical ability. Personal vehicles are not allowed to be part of the procession. All other entertainment activities will be organized outside the temple. Participants are required to follow volunteer's instructions too.
Parking: Please carpool to minimize congestion. Volunteers will guide you to available parking spots. Please see the attached map for parking locations.
Prasad: Free food is sponsored by our community businesses. The food items will be pure vegetarian and will not contain onion/garlic. Please do not bring any prasad to the temple as an offering. Instead, we request you to please consider donating as that would help cover the expenses.
Water: While we will have single use water bottles, please consider bringing your own water bottle to reduce our environment impact.
Suggested attire: You may consider weather appropriate, traditional wear.
Donation: Please consider donating to this cause. You can donate at the temple on the day of the Rath Yatra or send an email to hsss.regina@gmail.com. Tax deductible receipts will be provided.
Regular Sunday Program: The regular Sunday program (Bhog / Arti etc.) will be completed by 11:00 AM
With your support, this will be another exciting and safe Rath Yatra.